Energy in biotechnology and food production

Course Coordinator

ECTS points:


Course number:

Course Description

The student will comprehend theoretical and practical issues associated with green energy production from renewable resources, as well as its application in the food industry. Knowledge gained during this module will help in the project management, scientific and professional research based on the renewable energy resources. Ecological and economic advantages of green energy usage in the food and biotechnology industries will be presented. Successful completion of the module will enable the student in the solving of new and complex problems associated with the implementation of green energy in the industry.


    Hours total
Lectures 15
Seminars 15


Nr. Title
1. Wright,T.R. and B.J.Nebel, Enviromental Science, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, 2002.
2. Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations.Biogas Technology: A Training Manual for Extension. Kathmandu, Nepal: FAO/Consolidated Management Services, 1996.http:/ 17,2001)
3. Gawell, Karl et al.“Preliminary Report: Geothermal Energy, the Potential for Clean Power from the Earth“. Washington,DC:Geothermal Energy Association, 1999.http:/ (Jan 17,2001)
4. Discussion Papers on Sustainable Forest Management , United Nations, New York 2005.
5. D.Reay and D.MacMichael, Heat Pumps, Design and Applications, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979.

Additional literature:

Nr. Title
1. Glavač,V., Uvod u globalnu ekologiju,Državna uprava za zaštitu prirode i okoliš, Hrvatske šume, Zagreb, 1999.
2. Energija u proizvodnji hrane, Zbornik radova, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1984.
3. Zbornik radova, Međunarodnog kongresa Energija i zaštita čovjekove okoline, Hrvatsko udruženje za sunčevu energiju, Opatija, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002.
4. ISESSolar World Congress,Proceedings, International Solar Energy Society, Freiburg, 2003.
5. Encyclopedia of Energy, 6, volume set(1-6), Elsevier Science and Technology, 2004
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