Development of new products in food industry

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Course Description

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the meaning and methodology of development of new products as a distinguishing factor for the food product manufacturer and introduce them to the options of intellectual property protection and the basics of the modern patent system.

  1. Understand the basic principles and methods of organization management and successfully work in a team
  2. Design and realize the production of new products
  3. Make decisions on the development and expansion of production
  4. Recognize the need to improve certain segments in the listed companies
  5. Lead a team or work in a team responsible for a particular profession in nutrition industry or other related institution
  6. Lead or work in an interdisciplinary team that designs and conducts experiments in the area of nutrition technology
  7. Present and point to modern trends in food technology
  8. Apply contemporary optimum methodology of communication with colleagues to verbal and written way using the appropriate terminology
  9. Apply ethical principles, statutory regulations, and standards related to specific professional requirements


Definition of a new product. Production program. Product quality. Functionality of the product. Brand and packaging of products. Product image. Product Lifecycle Phases. Stage of creating the idea for the product. Phase of product launch on the market. Product Growth Phase. The maturity phase of the product. Introducing new areas of product application. Phase of aging and decomposition of products. Product Planning - Brainstorming or Collective Thinking Technique. Basics for developing new products. Improvement of existing products. Benchmarking. Types of benchmarking (general, functional, competitive and internal). Benchmarking Performance Indicators. Methodology of the innovation process. New Product Development Phases. Stage of creating the idea for the product. Product development phase. Internal and external evaluation. Packaging design. Development of production process. Product durability testing. Market research. Market Marketing. Marketing and commercialization of a new product. What makes the difference between the losers and the winners in developing new food products? Intellectual Property and the Basis of a Modern Patent System.
Development project of a new product based on different development phases. Incoming requests with a hierarchy of planned activities. Defining product types. Defining the technological process. Preparation of packaging design. Laboratory tests and definition of recipe and normative. Industrial testing. Preparing for advertising activities. Calculations. Product specifications. First production and production plans. Reports on tasting. Market research. Recipes, technology needed, based on reports on tasting.


N. Renko, S. Delić, M. Škrtić: Benchmarking u strategiji marketinga, Mate, Zagreb 1999.
Chapters: Teorijske osnove i povijesni razvoj benchmarkinga, Glavni aspekti benchmarking procesa, Teorijski model oblikovanja i primjene benchmarkinga, Potencijalne posljedice uvođenja benchmarkinga, Značenje i uloga benchmarkinga u strategiji marketinga. NO YES
B. Grbac i M. Meler: Realizacija poslovne ideje – od ideje do proizvoda/usluge, Zagreb, 2007, 1-65
Chapters: Uvodna razmatranja - Što je proizvod, a što je usluga, Proizvodni program, Kvaliteta proizvoda Funkcionalnost proizvoda, Marka proizvoda, Ambalaža proizvoda, Obilježavanje i opremanje proizvoda, Imidž proizvoda, Potpora proizvodu, Životni ciklus proizvoda, Instrumentarij politike proizvoda. YES YES
G. W Fuller: New Food Product Development—From Concept to Market Place, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2005.
Chapters: Defining and Characterizing New Food Products, Marketing Characteristics of New Products, Why Undertake New Food Product Development? NO YES
2.11. Optional literature R.C. Baker, P.W. Hahn. K.R. Robbins: Fundamentals of new Food Products Development, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988.
Chapters: The product development project in the company, The organisation of the product development project, Product strategy development: idea generation and screening, Product strategy development: product concepts and product design specifications, Product design and process development, Product commercialisation.

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